This is a brief dictionary for those who are interested in healing, kundalini yoga, changing lifestyle, becoming a happy person. And has just started getting into the world of change, the world of spiritual, the world of inner self.


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Asana - is a posture consciously taken. Each asana has its own effect on awareness, reflexes and emotion All yoga postures are balanced geometries done with devotion. Being able to do yoga comfortably is simply balancing your body so that gravity serves you.

Chakras - the human subtle system is a vastly intricate one, made up of thousands of channels which carry energy throughout the body. The concentrations of the energy in the subtle system are called chakras (“wheels” in Sanskrit), or energy centers.

Kriya - a spontaneous fulfillment of action through the engagement of asana that links the Infinite Self of you to this finite moment.

Kundalini - longitude and latitude are given to everybody. Altitude and attitude are given by Kundalini Yoga. When the spiral rises to penetrate through all the chakras, the man knows he is Brahm. That's why they say Kundalini Yoga is dangerous. It's dangerous because it takes away from man the ability to be exploited by another man.

Mantra - the creative projection of the mind through sound. Man=mind, Trang=wave or projection. The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of energy having structure, power and a definite predictable effect on the chakras and the human psyche.

Mudra - a mudra is a position of the hands that locks or seals and guides energy flow and reflexes the brain. The hands are an energy map of our consciousness and health. The yogis mapped out the hand areas and their associated reflexes. Each area of the hand connects to a certain part of the body or brain, representing different emotions and behaviors. The hands become a keyboard for input to our mind-body energy system. Each finger relates to a planetary energy and the quality that each planet represents. The thumb relates to the persona of the individual.