Olga Onkar Kaur

 Kundalini Yoga is Science is Yoga of Awareness .

The perfect technology for these turbulent, uncertain times, its kriyas and meditations make us sensitive and aware of all our human facets. The sense of awareness opens us up to observe the myriad sensations, thoughts feeling and desires of the little self, the ego , which constantly whirl through us. With this awareness , we begin to realize the impact they have on the direction of our lives, which takes us deeper, giving us an experience of the True Self whose clarity, calmness and peace are untouched by emotion and commotion.We begin to gain a deep understanding of our humanness and create a relationship between the projections of our ego and our True Self. One a very deep level, the Neutral Mind provides us with a profound experience of Self, so that wecan release the pain and anger of the past, face the fear of the future, free ourselves from the chains of our karmic fate and connect ourselves with our spiritual destiny. In doing so, we redefine our identity in relation to our Soul, reestablish our beliefs on a foundation of experience and recreate our habits based on our values, which reflect our deepest Truth.

It works directly on the total energy, and that flow of energy has one simple way: either you sway it or it sways you. Either you are above the energy and ride it, or you go below the energy and it rides you. That is where Kundalini Yoga fits in : you will learn to ride your energy, to experience it and penetrate any given situation to attain a balance,

What is Kundalini actually? It is your creative potential. You experience it when the energy of the glandular system combines with the energy of the nervous system to create such a sensitivity that the totality of the brain receives signals and integrates them. Then you become totally and wholly aware, and you creative potential becomes available to you.

The power of Kundalini Yoga lies in the actual experience. It goes right into your heart and extends your consciousness so you may have a wider horizon of grace and of knowing the truth.

Ultimately you come to understand your existence in relationship to the universe and understand you already are, and this brings you to the practical experience of Infinity. You can then radiate creativity and Infinity in all aspects of your daily life.

In Kundalini Yoga the most important thing is your experience. It goes right ti your heart. No words can replace that experience.
