Basic Mudras (Seals)
Touching the thumb tip (fleshy part, not the nail) to each of the fingertips creates specific results. This is the most commonly practiced way to seal a mudra unless otherwise indicted. Exert enough pressure to feel the flow of energy, but not enough to whiten the fingertips.
1. Gyan Mudra (Seal of Knowledge) (‘passive”)
To form Gyan Mudra, put the tip of the thumb together with the tip of the index finger. This stimulates knowledge, wisdom, and the power to compute. The energy of the index finger is associated with Jupiter, representing expansion. This mudra is the one most commonly used. It gives receptivity and calmness. We use the “passive” form of Gyan Mudra unless the “active form is specified.
2. Gyan Mudra (“active”)
Locking the thumb over the index finger
In the practice of powerful pranayams or exercises the “active” form of the mudra is often used. In the active form you bend the index finger under the thumb so the fingernail passes against the back of the thumb.
3. Shuni Mudra (Seal of Patience)
To form Shuni Mudra place the tip of the middle finger on the tip of the thumb. This mudra is said to give patience, discernment, and commitment. The middle finger is associated with the planet Saturn, which represents the task master, the law of karma, the taking of responsibility and the courage to hold to duty.
4. Surya Mudra (Seal of the Sun, Seal of Life)
This mudra is formed by placing the tip of the ring finger on the tip of the thumb. Practicing it gives revitalizing energy, nervous system strength, good health, and the power to win. The quality of the ring finger is associated with the Sun or Uranus. The Sun represents energy, health, and sexuality. Uranus stands for nervous system strength, intuition and strength.
5. Buddhi Mudra (Seal of Mental Clarity)
To form Buddhi Mudra place the tip of the little finger on the tip of the thumb. Practicing this opens the capacity to communicate clearly and intuitively. It also stimulates psychic development. The little finger is symbolized by Mercury for quickness and the mental power of communication.
6. Prayer Pose (Pranam Mudra)
In Prayer Pose the palms of the hands are flat together to neutralize the positive (right, or male) and negative (left, to female) sides of the body. This is always used when centering yourself with the Adi Mantra in preparation for doing a kriya.