Crystal Therapy
For centuries, crystals have fascinated people. Prized for their beauty, these special stones adorn royalty and the rich and powerful, and continue to be revered tor their spiritual and healing properties.
Crystals were formed millions of years ago when hot gases and minerals solutions rose to the surface from the molten layer of the Earth. As they cooled, the atoms merged into patterns and three-dimensional lattices to become the crystals we know today. The special structure of a crystal lets it absorb, strengthen, and transmit electromagnetic energy that can heal and energize.
In the mythical city of Atlantis the colored rays from crystals treated physical and emotional illness. A great healing temple was thought to have existed in Atlantis, with a large circular room and domed ceiling made of interlocking crystals. These crystals were arranged to from ancient symbols that created patterns of color when illuminated by light. Around the room separate healing rooms for illness and emotional healing, with vast crystal doors that were energized with the color needed for the patient.
Egyptian remains indicate that this ancient race had rooms in their temples for treating patients with healing gemstones. The ancient Egyptian people understood the power of Crystals, and their rulers, the pharaohs, wore stones such as malachite in their headdresses to bring wisdom. Tiger's eye, carnelian, and turquoise were shaped into amulets; shields, hearts and scarabs were buried with the owner in their tomb to guide them on their last journey.
In the home, Crystal give you protraction from any negative energies existing there. Lepidolite is a versatile stone to position in the living room as it absorbs electromagnetic emissions from electrical equipment or other sources. Different Crystlas stimulate the atmosphere and energy flow , making your home a more sociable place. Even an ailing house-plant responds to the special vibration of a piece of Green Tourmaline. At work, you can achieve success with the crystal energy of Golden Topaz and keep internet viruses at bay circling Malachite around your computer. Personal power in important and comes via our seven energy centers: the Chakras.
When you use a crystal for physical and emotional healing, the Crystal's vibration tunes in to the malfunctioning emissions of the organ or energetic area and gently corrects them, making you feel healthier and re-energized. Placing Blue Calcite on the skin, from example, is thought to help relieve the inflammation and itching of eczema, while natural quartz's strong energetic field releases long-held emotional fears.
What is Crystal Therapy?
Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational mediicine . Crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing.
Crystals have been used for millennia to heal and bring balance. They work through resonance and vibration.
Crystals heal holistically. That is say, they work on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being. They realign subtle energies and dissolve dis-ease , getting to the root cause. Crystals work through vibration, rebalancing the biomagnetic sheath that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body and activating linkage points to the chakras that regulate the body's vibration. By bringing the charkas back into balance, many states of physical and psychological dis-ease can be ameliorated.
Most illnesses result from a combination of factors. There will be dis-ease at subtle levels. This dis-ease may be emotional or mental. or a sigh of spiritual unease or disconnection. There may be misaligned connections between the physical body and the bio magnetic sheath. Crystals have been connected with particular parts of the body and its organs for thousand of years. Many of the connections come from traditional astrology, both Western and Eastern. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurveda, both over 5 000 years old, still use in modern medical prescriptions crystals that appear in formulas in ancient texts. Hematite, for instance, is said to calm the spirit and combats insomnia. But it is also used for blood disorders as it is belived to cool the blood, arresting bleeding.