Balancing Chakras

Each and every one of us, as well as every other being, sentient or otherwise, on this planet, is composed of energy. This is a fact only recently realized by science, but it has been on this understanding, and there was a well recognized link between the energy of the individual and the energy of nature, the creator or the divine. The word chakra means literally "wheel"in Sanskrit, and it is symbolized as a spinning wheel of light through which prana - the life-force - moves.

Chakas are vortices through which energy flows both in and out the body. When developed, they rotate like a turning wheel.

Most literature on charkas discusses Seven main chakras, but we actually have hundreds, located all over the body. Each acupressure and acupuncture point is an energy vortex and therefore, a chakra. The energy that powers these vortices comes from a number of sources, one being our own kundalini or evolutionary energy, another being the spiritual force within us. These energies come from inside the body and flow out the chakras.

The Cakras also receive. We may receive energy from other people, whether gently and imperceptibly, or very aware of pulling it from them.When our energy is pulled by others, we may feel very sapped or "snagged" in a particular chakra. Spiritual energy, prana and other energies all around us, may also flow in through the chakra center.

People less developed in their evolutionary growth tend to bring in much more energy than they give out. In weakness or illness, people may pull in energy from more vitalized or developed people. Those who feel weak,  depleted, or have a low self-image may be very strongly affected by others energies, actually drawing on the others, in which case they are called "sappers". This name is unfair in some instances because the act of pulling energy from other may the difference in healing and getting enough strength to go ahead: it is a wonderful thing to be able to give energy to those who need it.Giving is part of our practice of visiting ill or depressed friends. We "give" energy from our chakra to theirs to help them.

People who are not very developed spiritually may be open to negative forces. Negative energy will come into their chakras, causing them to feel even worse than they do or to act in even more negative ways. A depressed persone tends to put energies coming through the chakras on a depressed level, which only compounds problems.

Evolved people have more energy flowing out of their charkas than in. Their charkas look like flowers in bloom. As they become more highly developed, the kundalini energy radiating from their chakras blends with divine energy, continues to radiate out, then curves back to come in through the  hands and feet (sometimes through other areas of the body), bringing a mixture of these energies into them.

Our growth and development are increasing during the Aquarian Age; we go through many different mood and way of being, relating to different chakras in the process. 

The BALANCE CHAKRAS THERAPY WITH OLGA ONKAR KAUR help you gain a greater understanding of the different energy frequencies than control or affect our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states. During cleansing session, you will find that fear or problems from this life and other lives may be locked or blocked at particular levels.You may also find joys or wonderful time that did not assimilated and were not released into the body cells, similarly blocked in the energy pattern. Sometimes fear of the future will be evident.
When prana flows freely through the body, the chakras spin brighter and faster, and the body and mind are in a state of health. When there are block-ages or charkas are closed down altogether, prana cannot flow and "dis-ease" of the body, mind or spirit is the result. There are numerous causes for these blockages and closures - many of them easy to comprehend. For example, a child brought up without affection and the benefit of loving touch, may have difficulty as an adult opening the heart chakra. This not only holds him back from touching or showing affection, but also leaves him or her afraid of change, blocked creatively,  and prone to a depressed immune system and, therefor, illness.

Chakras energy work is holistic: it involves the body and mind equally, because they are equally involved in our being. The charkas are also linked closely to the endocrine system, which produces the hormones that act as chemical messengers - from adrenalin, which drives our "flght-or-flight" response, to the sex hormones, oestrogen and testosterone. When you balance your chakras, you also regulate your hormones.