Kriya is a spontaneous fulfillment of action through the engagement of asana that links the Infinite Self of you to this finite moment. It has to tear apart the old attachments, and reform you in the transformed relationship between this body and the world body, between this moment of your mind and your total mental potential. That is posture in the form of kriya , expressing the joy of your soul! It is different than the mechanical perspective we take in most Western thinking. It's a creative project, not a static body. Every posture is a dynamic, formative creation.

If you do this with your physical body, you are also establishing a posture of emotion and attitude. You are taking a stand. We say that in English. If you ask someone their attitude, don't they answer both verbally and show you a posture? Which do you believe? The words they say or the posture they take? You believe the posture more then words. The body doesn't lie. The body records that shaping and displays the practiced truth of your own habits.

We go through another change when we take a posture. A posture makes you conscious of a body area. As you hold it, you become self-conscious. Then you become conscious of yourself. And if you reach the awareness across many postures, you become a conscious consciousness.